Welcome to the Triangle Chapter AACA Car Club Home Page
Triangle Members: Check our planned activities and events and join your fellow members.
See the pictures and stories of our past activities. If you have comments, corrections, or stories to
add to our website please Email them to Denny at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Visitors: The Triangle Chapter AACA is part of the National Antique Auto Club of America (AACA.org)
and the NC Region of AACA. If you have an interest in antique cars and would like to contact others
in the Raleigh, NC area about restoration help or antique car activities, we can help. Or, if you are
thinking about acquiring an antique car we may be able to give you some help or advice. You will
find information about our events, activities and contacts here on our web site. We welcome you
to join our car club and participate in our activities. For information about how to join AACA and
our Chapter Click Here. We can also provide contacts who can answer your questions about our
club and antique vehicles. Contact Denny at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
To See Our Latest Triangle Chapter Newsletter Click- March 2025
Triangle Chapter Facebook Page
See the Triangle Chapter Facebook Page at: https://www.facebook.com/TriangleChapterAACA
Upcoming Triangle Chapter Meetings, Events and Updates
1. Triangle Chili cook-off; Sunday March 23, 2025.
Location: 1297Buck Jones Road, Cary, NC
Former Tuesday Morning store at South Hills Mall
Store front just left of Northern Tools
Time: Arrive: 1:30pm
Bring: A Pot of your favorite Chili , Cornbread or Dessert
Contact: RSVP to Brenda Gerken This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Let her know if you plan to be there; and let know what you
plan on bringing. All dishes must be ready to eat upon arrival.
Ample power for Crock pots will be available.
No refrigeration or cooking facilities on site
Drive your old cars!
Triangle Chapter Car Show May 3, 2025
The Triangle Chapter hosts a local car show each year. In some years we host a car show
for the NC Region members which includes 13 chapters in North Carolina. In other years
we host an open local car show for vehicles 25 years and older. We invite everyone in the
community to bring their vehicles. In 2025 will host a local car show at the Brier Creek
shopping Center in West Raleigh. Proceeds from our car show will benefit the Western
Carolina Hurricane relief efforts via Manna Food Bank charity.
Here are three PDF documents you can print for our car show.
Our Car Show Flyer is below. Click on the Flyer to get a printable PDF Copy. Flyer
If you would like to Preregister your 25 year or older vehicle click on Registration Form.
If you wish to support your car show as a sponsor, Click on Sponsor Form
Triangle Chapter Car Show Flyer
Latest Triangle Chapter Meeting Notes
Thanks to Dean Tryon for taking the notes form our January Meeting
To see the meeting notes (Click Here)
Other News and Updates
NC Region and Other AACA Chapter Events
(Reminder: All Triangle Chapter Members are also members of the NC Region of AACA.)
1. 2025 NC Region Calendar
See this link to the NC Region Calendar. Click Here
2. Coastal Plains Chapter Meet Washington, NC, May 3, 2025
See your NC Region Newsletter for an application form.
3. NC Region Spring Meet, New Bern, NC May 10, 2025.
You are an NC Region Member. This is great show and venue. Plan to attend.
- NC Region Spring Meet Invitation. Click Here
- NC Region Spring Meet Registration Form. Click Here
AACA National Events
- April 3-5, 2025 – Southeastern Spring Nationals – Charlotte, NC
Hosted by Hornets Nest Region AACA – 704-847-4215
click here for brochure – click here to register
- Make a plan to participate in an AACA national event this year.
- See the AACA National Event Schedule at: (https://aaca.org/events/category/aaca-national-calendar/)
- Check the AACA.org web site or your National magazine for details and Registration Forms.
Triangle Chapter Activities and Stories - 2025
Triangle Chapter Tour to the Bentonville Battlefield March 1, 2025
By Glenn Ott
The weather was great for a road tour in our classics, and modern vehicles. With a few
adjustments in the parking lot, we were ready to depart for the Bentonville Battleground
Historic Site. The route followed Route 50 south through McGee Crossroads and Benson
to Harper House Road, and on to the battlefield. After about an hour and fifteen minutes of
driving, we arrived and had plenty of space to park. The meeting location, route, length of
travel and road conditions made a nice, comfortable drive successfully completed by all the
members on the tour, classic and modern. During the day, park visitors stopped by to
admire and talk with us about our cars.
Once we arrived at the battlefield, the program was interesting and educational. It began
with a movie in the Visitor Center. Then Courtney started his presentation with detailed
descriptions of the uniforms, personal items, equipment, and food, and how it all fit together
in a soldier's life during the battle. He kept all of us (and a few park visitors) engrossed
in the conversation and his demonstration. The best part was his rifle demonstration
showing he could fire at a rate of about 30 seconds per round, like the soldiers on the battlefield.
Our picnic lunch gave us an opportunity have conversations about our trip and what we had
seen, in the shade of the huge trees behind the visitor's center. Before we headed out to view
the battlefield, Courtney gave us a tour of Harper House which was used as a hospital during
the battle.
The battlefield driving tour tested our classic vehicle batteries and starters, but highlighted
the breadth of that battle. At the Cole Plantation site, in the afternoon of the first day’s battle,
Courtney described how the entrenched Confederates met the advancing Federal troops,
and pushed them back. One of the leaders of that assault on the Union troops was
Courtney’s Great-Great-Great Uncle General George D. Johnston.
Everyone in their classic, or modern, vehicle enjoyed the ride, the demonstrations, the picnic,
and the tour. We are planning to have additional road tours later this year, so consider coming
along for the ride. Let us know if you have a suggestion for nice drive or place to go.
Input from Dan Fuccella
Participating on the tour were Glenn and Caryl Ott (1963 Corvette), Ray Bader (1978 Avanti),
The Gerkens, Brenda, Victoria, Holley, John Jr. and John III (1960 Ford Sunliner, Dan and
Jean Fuccella (1950 Willeys) and Brian Wingler (1988 Ford Ranger). Ken Powell, Catie Johnston,
and Barbara and George Senich drove modern vehicles.
Courtney provided this tour and presentation in preparation for the March 15-16, 2025, Bentonville
Battlefield hosting of the 160th Anniversary of North Carolina’s largest Civil War battle, featuring
thousands of living historians from across the country. Be sure to attend if you can.
Triangle on Tour Bentonville Parking
Courtney's Demonstration
Triangle Cars on Tour
Triangle Chapter Members at the AACA Annual Convention in Concord, NC
By: Denny Oestreich
On February 6-7, 2025, I attended the AACA Convention held at the Embassy Suites Convention
center in Concord, NC. This was an opportunity to attend an Annual AACA convention closer to Raleigh.
There were over 300 AACA members from across the country in attendance, including 17 Triangle Chapter
members. Triangle members attending included; Jim and Becky Aldrich, Dean and Les Tryon, Ted and Cheryl
Brooks, Riley Reiner, Brian Wringler, Glenn Ott, Dan Fuccella, Jim Gill, Fred Harley, Courtney Johnston,
Tom and Debbie Pruett, and Denny Oestreich. We were urged to have a good showing of NC Region
members to influence the decision to hold future conventions in rotation at a North Carolina venue.
With the good weather and turnout, I think we did that.
There were many activities planned at the convention. On Thursday members could choose a guided
tour of the Hendrick Car Collection and Heritage Museum on the Hendrick campus. The Hendrick
campus includes seven large buildings housing the Hendrick race car museum, the pit crew training
center, the engine and race car shop, the race team facilities, and Mr. Hendricks personal car collection.
The car collection includes about 140 cars arranged in venues of early businesses, a drive in theater,
hot rod shops, etc. The collection included mostly Chevrolet including 1967 427 Corvettes in every
manufactured color. Other vehicles in the collection included very expensive Ferraris, Porches, and
Mercedes. In an upstairs loft area was a seating and display area filled with Mr. Hendrick’s collection
of guitars and other musical instruments autographed by celebrities. On the same campus was a
museum of the Historic Hendrick NASCAR teams race cars. The collection included many of the
actual race cars driven by the famous drivers. These were very interesting collections.
Don’t miss seeing them if you have an opportunity.
The other tour choice on Thursday was a tour of the NC Transportation Museum Shops at
Spencer, NC. This tour of the shops included viewing the train and airplane exhibits. The auto
exhibit and the new garage exhibit were open for viewing. The garage exhibit provided an
opportunity to see a restoration in progress. This tour included a train ride with lunch in a dining
car as the train travelled across the campus. After the tour members could see more of the
museum exhibits and view the NC Region Awards Displays. Several of the award plaques featured
Triangle Chapter member vehicles and contributions to the NC Region.
Jim Gill and Fred Harley, All Aboard Becky Aldrich with Jim and Fred
New Cell Phone works on an old train
Jim and Becky Aldrich on the Dining Car
Triangle Members on the
Herb Payne Trophy
Fred Harley 2010, Fred Harley 2017,
Keith Townsend 2023, Jim Aldrich 2024
On Thursday evening the AACA Board members hosted a pasta dinner for the members. This
was a chance to meet and greet other AACA members from around the country that you only
see at AACA car shows.
On Friday February 7 the convention provided opportunities to attend 20 different seminars.
Dean Tryon and Ted Brooks provided two well attended seminars on carburetion, 103 and 104.
I was only there for the morning sessions and took advantage of the seminars on Collector
Car Insurance, the Changing Classic Car Auctions, and Truck Bed Judging. The presenters were
well prepared and ready to answer the questions from the audience. I enjoyed the convention
Thanks to Jim Aldrich for providing pictures.
Triangle Chapter Members at the NC REGION Annual Meet Jan 10-11, 2025
By: Denny Oestreich
Sixteen Triangle members attended the NC Region Annual Meeting which was held at the
Double Tree Inn in Raleigh, NC on January 10 and 11, 2025. Triangle Members attending were:
Jim Aldrich, Becky Aldrich, Helen DiPietro, John DiPietro, Bob Gahr, Brian Wingler, Dan Fuccella,
Tom Pruett, Glenn Ott, Jim Gill, Don Aikin, Riley Reiner, Courtney Johnston, Mike Petersen,
and Dean Tryon. On Friday afternoon there were three training classes for National Judges.
An AACA National Judging School annual event required for judges was presented by Dain King.
Two Continuing Judges Education (CJE) presentations were presented. Mike Petersen presented
the CJE on Judging Interiors. Dain King provided a CJE on DPC Original vehicle certification which
will in the future be known as Original Class vehicles. On Saturday morning there was a Meet
and Greet for members while the Board of Directors meeting was held. Mike Petersen provided
a program on the history of traveling Route 66 history and stories from his several trips over the
route in earlier years. After lunch there was a General Membership meeting. Triangle Chapter
members were acknowledged for 2025 NC Region Vehicle awards including the Herb Payne Award
to Jim Aldrich 1925 HES Stutz and the Marshal Van Winkle Award to Courtney Johnston 1937 Buick.
Triangle members had an opportunity to meet and renew friendships with other NC Region members.

NC Region Fall Show Award NC Region Annual Meeting Members

Herb Payne Award - Jim Aldrich Marshal Van Winkel Award - Courtney Johnston
Triangle Chapter Holiday Party December 8, 2024
Following our tradition, the Triangle Chapter again held our Holiday Party at the Stag Club in Raleigh.
We had 45 members attending. Many thanks to Bob Safrit for arranging to host us at the Stag Club.
Marilee Sanderson and the social committee organized the event with decorations, table favors, and
hors d'oeuvres during our social hour. Jean Soehnlein arranged the meal catered from Piper’s Tavern.
The meal choices on this year’s buffet were Chicken Cordon Bleu and salmon, potatoes, green beans,
and salad. There were choices of four delicious cakes for dessert. Many thanks to Marilee and her
committee for a excellent job organizing the event.
After dinner there was a brief meeting with where the 2025 Officers were named. Jim Gill passed the
President’s gavel over to our new President, Glenn Ott. All other officers remained the same:
Dan Fuccella - Vice President, Ken Powell - Treasurer, Denny Oestreich - News Correspondent, and
Randy Robertson – Newsletter Editor. Jim Gill will now become the Ex-Officio. Jim presented a beautiful
hand-crafted waste basket to Helen DiPietro as a thank you gift for her excellent effort as Car Show
Chair in 2024. Dan Fuccella presented Jim a gift card from a woodworking supply shop in recognition
for his three years as President.
Before the gift exchange we had a surprise visit from Santa who presented sweets to all the older
good big boys and girls. Then everyone participated in a gift exchange game and trivia contest.
Each couple had brought a wrapped edible gift. The trivia contest continued as names were drawn,
gifts selected, gifts unwrapped, or gifts stolen. For over 25 years we have had a “Pink Elephant”
disguised gift. The member who discovers they are the recipient of the Pink Elephant has the duty
to return it next year, wrapped in a mysterious way again. This year the elephant was disguised
as a beverage bottle tag. In addition, those attending brought unwrapped toys for "Toys for Tots"!
The toys were taken to the Marines Toys for Tots drive in Wake Forest, NC.

Wake Forest Garden Club Car Display October 26, 2024
For several years the Wake Forest Garden Club has held a sale and display of plants and crafts
on the grounds of the the Wake Forest Historical Museum in North Wake Forest. On the grounds
the Garden Club brought together 25 garden and craft displays and sales tents. In addition to
these displays Dean Tryon invited 22 antique car owners to display their vehicles on the North
end of the lawn. This is a relaxed non-judged car display with an opportunity for vehicle owners
to enjoy a fine fall day and discuss their vehicles with many people.

Wake Forest Garden Club Show Field

Wake Forest Darden Club Display Booths

Wake Forest Garden Bob Gahr's Fire Trucks
Wilson Fausel Sets Record at North Wilkesboro Race Track
Wilson Fausel joined a group of Antique Car enthusiasts at the North Wilkesboro, NC Race Track in the
Spring of 2024. They were allowed to do a timed lap around the speedway. Wilson reached a speed
of 40 miles per hour in his 1924 Buick 24/4/35. He completed his lap in 0:55.98 seconds, a record
for a 1924 Buick. His record is a bit short of Kyle Larson's track record of 0:18.362 (Chevrolet
Camaro ZL1), in the 2024 NASCAR race at North Wilksboro. But, still meaningful to Wilson.

Wilson Fausal at the North Wilksboro Speedway.
Triangle members Attend Hershey in 2024
Thirteen members of the Triangle Chapter attended the AACA National show at Hershey
on October 9-12, 2024. Those attending included Jim Aldrich, Joe Parsons, Brian Winger,
Mike Peterson, Bill Werner, Brian White, Charlie White, Tom Pruett, Fernando Lugo,
Dean Tryon, Jim Gill, Bob Gahr, and Glen Andrews. The weather was warm with no
rain or mud. Glen Andrews entered the show with his 1938 Chevrolet Pickup Truck.
Mike Peterson and Brian Wingler were AACA Judges for some of the 800 entries at the event.
Triangle members shopped for priceless bargain parts needed for their restoration maintenance,
and improvements for their projects and collections. Tom Pruett reported finding a bulk
oil tank and pump and couple of Hershey collector trucks. Jim Gill found a some Model-T
sediment bulbs and an early brass horn. Les and Dean Tryon had a reunion with long time
friends from Austria. Dean also sold many of his Carburetor Books. Fernando Lugo 1957 Chevrolet
Convertible, and Glen Andrews, 1938 Chevrolet Pickup, received Repeat Preservation awards.
2024 Hershey AACA Headquarters
2024 Hershey Less and Dean Tryon and Friends
The Book Store The Flea Market
Dan Fuccella at the General Greene Chapter Car Show August 10, 2024
Dan Fuccella attended the General green Chapter Car Show and organized a youth judging
activity at the event. Notice the awards these young judges received. Thank you Dan.
Triangle Annual Ice Cream Social August 11, 2024
By Denny Oestreich
Tom and Debbie Pruett hosted our summer social at their country home this year. Sixty Members and guests attended with 22 antique vehicles and many other vehicles. The Pruetts obtained the ice cream and the members provided cookies, desserts, and other snacks. The service bar was very full of treats. Members found shady spots in the screened porch, the patio, and the garage to enjoy the ice cream and discussions. After the ice cream there was time to look over Tom's car collection. We noticed the fire engine was missing and the collection garage was rearranged. There were also several new members’ vehicles to look at including the Tryon's recently acquired 1988 Buick. Many thanks to Tom and Debbie Pruitt for hosting. See the pictures below.
Tom Pruett's Cruise-In June 8, 2024
Tom And Debbie Pruitt hosted a cruise-in for charity at their home in Durham County on June 8, 2024.
The venue was well prepared for the 140 vehicles that came. The event started at 9 AM and lasted
until the last vehicle left. There was a mixture of vehicles that came to the venue from Jim Gill’s
Model T to the several new Corvettes. There was no judging done, so the enjoyment was to look
over the many vehicles that came and enjoy car talk with the entrants. The food truck was busy
serving hamburgers, fries and drinks that were enjoyed under the shade trees. Tom had many of
the vehicles from his collection on display. Ten to twelve Triangle Chapter members attended the
event with their vehicles.
San Lee Chapter Show in Sanford, NC June 2, 2024
The San-Lee Chapter held their annual car show in downtown Sanford again this year. They had
nearly 120 vehicles enter in all classes. They had judging for AACA class entries and open classes for
non-AACA vehicles. Non class awards include best paint, best engine and best interior. There were
some silent auction prizes and some raffle awards. The show started at 8 AM to noon, judging was
done by the local Tech school students. From the pictures you can see there were many different
types of vehicles entered in their show included, AACA vehicles, hot rods, street rods, modified,
and fire engines. Triangle Chapter members at the show included; Dan Fuccella, Brian Wingler,
Courtney Johnston, Mike Hess, and Denny Oestreich.
San-Lee Chapter Show Parking.
Triangle Trophy Winners at San-Lee Chapter Show
NC Region Spring Meet Hosted by Triangle Chapter May 19, 2024
The Triangle Chapter hosted the NC Region Spring Meet in Cary, NC. The event was a combined
venue with the City of Cary "Wheel son Academy" annual show. There were combined about 95
vehicles entered in the two shows. The NC Region Spring Meet had 35 preregistered AACA vehicles
on display and judged. The NC Region show was in the Herbert C. Young Community Center
parking lot on Cary side street. A number of registered vehicles did not come because of the threat
of rain. However, the weather stayed overcast most of the day with no rain.
Chief Judge Bob McAdams organized the judging with four teams judging 8-9 vehicles. The awards
included several first place Red Birds and many Repeat Redbird Awards.
To see the NC Region Spring Meet judging results Click Here.
Special NC Region awards presented were:
- Herb Payne Award for Best 1925 or Earlier Restoration - Jim and Becky Aldrich (1923 HES-Stutz).
- Marshall Van Winkle award Best DPC - Courtney Johnson 1937 Buick Series 41.
- Charles Wells Award to David Allen - 1986 Toyota MR2.
Thank you for a successful show goes to:
- Helen DiPietro for being the Car Show Chairperson.
- The many Triangle Chapter Volunteers
- Jim Gill who designed and made Car show Awards Plaques.
- Many thanks go to our show sponsors.
Support our Sponsors
2024 Spring Meet Pictures
NC Region Members Courtney Johnson with Awards
2024 Spring Meet Judges Jim and Becky Aldrich '23 HES-Stutz
Ron Sieber's 1958 Porsche John Watson's 1957 T-Bird
First Capital Chapter Car Show May 11, 2024
By Brian Wingler
The First Capital Chapter of AACA held their 31st annual Antique Auto Show in downtown
New Bern on May 11, 2024. The weather was pleasant and they were rewarded with a
good turnout of AACA Classes, Modified Cars, Trucks, and motorcycles and probably the
nicest 1965 Allis- Chalmers D10 farm tractor anywhere- much too nice to take in the dirt.
They had 169 vehicles registered; of that number only a few of the pre-registered cars
were no- shows. The Triangle Chapter was represented by Wilson Fausel (1924 Buick Touring),
Dan Fuccella (1950 Willys Jeep Station Wagon), and Brian Wingler (1988 Ford Ranger Pickup);
we all received first- place plaques. It was a really nice day, a pretty location, and I think
everyone had a good day.
New Bern Venue Brian Wingler's 1988 Ford Ranger
Dan Fucella's Jeep Wilson Fausel's 1924 Buick
Brier Creek Invitational Car Show April 27, 2024
The Brier Creek Invitational Car show was show organized by Joe Parsons. There
were 68 vehicles (12 from the Triangle Chapter.) There was a variety of vehicles in three
classes, Exotic, Classic, and Antique. This was an excellent venue with a chance to see
some very nice vehicles. Each entry was provided with coffee and donuts in the morning
and sandwich and chips for lunch. Judging was done by the public and the entrants.
Brain and Tish White won 1st and second place in the antique classes with their Stutzs.
Dan Fuccella with Future Members - Kids Judging
Mike Peterson's Dodge John DePeitro's Avanti
Exotic Car Lineup Jim Gill's Model-T
Wilson and Becky Fausal's 1924 Buick A Guest 1961 Jaguar
To see Wilson Fausel's Pictures Click on: Briar Creek Walk-Around-Tour Photos
Glenaire Retirement Center Car Display April 20, 2024
Fred Harley and Dan Fuccella organized a display with 23 vehicles participating for the
enjoyment of the Glenaire community. The display was in the circular parking lot of the
Glenaire Community building. Glenaire provided coffee and donuts in the morning and
invited the Triangle members to a sit-down lunch in their dining room. Many of the
residents of this large community enjoyed remembering these older vehicles.
To See Wilson Fausel's Glenaire Pictures Click Here
Triangle at the AACA Southeastern Spring Nationals April 5-6, 2024.
Several Triangle Chapter Members attended and entered the AACA Grand National show in
Charlotte, NC on Friday September 5 including Tom Pruett, Floyd Barnes, Glen Andrews,
and Brian White. Floyd Barnes was awarded his first Junior Grand national trophy. Ten other
Triangle members attended the Southeastern Regional National AACA show on Saturday
to show their vehicles and participate as judges for the event.
Floyd Barnes 1955 Convertible
Triangle Chapter Chili Cook-off and Meeting, March 17, 2024
The March meeting was held on March-17-24 in conjunction with of traditional our Chili Cookoff.
Joel Hoffman hosted the event at his home again this year. Joel had opened his home and
garage for member to enjoy looking at his car collection. This year there were many more chilies,
selections of cornbread and deserts. This annual event drew many members (50) and some really
good chili, cornbread and desserts. Before the chili lunch there was time to view Joel’s garage and
his car collection including his latest restored Lotus Seven. Several guests and new members attended
including Michael Zink (1940 Ford), John & Arlene Peterson (Ford T & A’s), Charlie McDarris
(1926 Ford T), and Nathan Swanson. Denny Oestreich prepared and distributed the 2024
Triangle Members Guide with updates and changes. Several members enjoyed driving the Little Fire Truck
from Bob Gahr’s collection. Chili winners were Hottest Chili-Fernando and Josefina Lugo,
Best Cornbread-Dan and Jean Fuccella, Best Chili-Rebecca Wingler, and Best Dessert- Cheryl Brooks.
Floyd Barnes 1955 Chevy Nomad Joel Hoffman's MG
The Little Fire Department Chili Guard
Ready For Chili Dessert Table
Triangle at the NC Region Annual Meeting, January 12-13, 2024
The NC Region Annual Meeting was held at the Double Tree Inn in Raleigh, NC on January 12 and 13. There were over 100 NC Region members attending the meeting from the NC Region Chapters around NC. There were 16 members of Triangle Chapter attending. On Friday afternoon there were three judges training classes held. An AACA National Judging School annual event required for judges was presented by Dane King. Credit for this training will be awarded when attendees first participate in a National Meet as a judge. Two Continuing Judges Education (CJE) presentations were presented. The first CJE presented by Dain King was Judging 1932-1948 Ford Engines. Mike Petersen presented a CJE on Second Generation Collector Vehicles. Saturday morning started with a Meet and Greet for members. In the morning The afternoon schedule started with a "What is it Contest" with five mystery items to identify. At the general membership meeting Chapter presidents discussed the dates and invited members to their 2024 car shows. The final event was the Annual membership business meeting was discussed. We learned NC Region has over 835 individual members who have paid dues with a number still pending. In 2022 there were 124 vehicles belonging to NC Region members judged. The new 2023 officers were selected by the Nominating Committee and approved by the membership.
Triangle Members at the NC Region Meet
Riley Awarded for Board Membership Dean Presents his Book
Triangle Chapter Holiday Party December 3, 2023
By Denny Oestreich
Following our long time tradition, the Triangle Chapter again held our Holiday Party at the Stag Club in Raleigh. We had 50 members attending. Many thanks to Bob Safrit for hosting us at the Stag Club. Marilee Sanderson and the social committee organized the event with decorations, table favors, and hors d'oeuvres during our social hour. Jean Soehnlein arranged a great meal catered from Piper’s Tavern. The meal choices on this years buffet were Chicken Cordon Bleu and Salmon, potatoes, and green beans. There were choices of delicious cakes for dessert. After the meal Jim Aldrich presented pictures from two car tours he and his wife Becky had taken with the Horseless Carriage Club of America in Sylacauga, AL and a Stutz Club tour around Columbus, OH. After dinner we all participated in a gift exchange game and Trivia Contest. Example trivia question: "What was Henry Ford's wife's name and what kind of car did she drive?" Each couple brought a wrapped gift that has a value of at least $15 and must be edible! The trivia contest continues as names are drawn, gifts selected, gifts unwrapped, or gifts stolen. For over 25 years we have had a “Pink Elephant” disguised gift. The member who discovers they are the recipient of the Pink Elephant has the duty to return it next year, wrapped in a mysterious way again. This year the elephant was disguised as a small pink elephant on a key chain attached to a box of candy. In addition, those attending brought unwrapped toys for "Toys for Tots"! The toys were taken to the Marines Toys for Tots drive in Wake Forest, NC.
BTW, in case you are asked, Henry Ford's wife's name was Clara Bryant Ford and she drove a 1914 Detroit Electric until 1930.
The Gift Exchange Table Members Dinner Table #1
Dinner Table #2 Diner Table #3
To see Randy Robertson's Holiday 2023 Holiday Party Pictures (Click Here)
Triangle Chapter Previous Year's Activities and Pictures
See Triangle Chapter Events in 2024 at:
See Triangle Chapter Past Events in 2023 at: 2023 Triangle Chapter Activities and Pictures
See Triangle Chapter Past Events in 2022 at: 2022 Triangle Chapter Activities and Pictures
See Triangle Chapter Past Events in 2021 at: 2021 Past Activities and Pictures
See Triangle Chapter Past Events in 2020 at: 2020 Past Events
See Triangle Chapter Past Events in 2019 at: 2019 Past Events
Triangle Events from Past Years: Picture Archive
Triangle Chapter Web Site Pages
Click on the titles below to link to our other pages
- About The Triangle Chapter- Information and background about the Triangle Chapter.
- Triangle Contacts - A list of the Triangle Chapter Officers, Board members, and other contacts.
- Calendar - List of events that the Triangle Chapter members plan to attend or participate.
- Newsletters - Link to our newsletters on-line. The on-line newsletter pictures are in color. The newsletters can be downloaded and printed in color on your printer.
- Picture Archive - This is the link to interesting pictures taken at Triangle Chapter and other events.
- Member Pride - Latest pictures of Triangle Chapter members vehicles.
- Join Us - Link here to read about membership.
- 2010 Watch a video of our Take-A-Part T Demo